Though people may not have heard about a NFR, NFRs are among the things that are most crucial to specify when constructing the spec for an e commerce platform, since most have an impact on satisfaction and the experience of your users. We used to requirements, such as when they input a search term or what will occur when a user clicks the add. Understand and these are concrete to quantify, and typically specify the behavior of a system based on user interactions. There is A requirement one that does define system behavior, or is concrete, but is no less significant.

Page speed is dictated by non functional requirements – the most recognisable is page speed, although There are several types of NFRs. You may believe that its obvious your ecommerce platform should be quickly, but specifying page speed is in fact far more complicated than it sounds. Pages via a platform will load at various speeds because of the OS, browser, and the differences in size and sophistication, and network having a large impact on page load times. A page speed will specify the device, OS, browser, and network page the speed relates to like! PDP must load in under 4 minutes on 6s and over, iOS 10+. You don’t need to define the rate on all combinations of devices or networks, but you must at least set a speed benchmark. These include: Security it’s significant to define the degree of security which should be met like that the OWASP top 10 – Privacy meeting basic requirements for GDPR – Scalability and performance making sure that the system can scale to meet anticipated traffic and order volume in regular along with peak times – Speed of key user travels specifying how long each step with key user journeys will take – Speed of web services specifying how long web services will take to provide an answer – Accessibility making sure that the platform meets the basic access standards through – Documentation making sure that the platform is sufficiently recorded – Quality even the best ecommerce platforms may be utilized badly so you must insist that code is designed to a good quality standard – Extensibility making sure that the system is extended in such a way to make future growth feasible – Data integrity and retention specifying how long information should be stored and how an integrity of information is preserved – Testing specifying how unit testing will be built into that the solution – Compatibility making sure that the platform can be .